Dear Lowell. Shalom. The Gor Banjara tribe in India is also called Labani. I have taken DNA-tests of a handful of them, and there are matches with Levites. There are also matches in clan names with Levitical names in the Torah. I saw your video with Mr. Tsvi Misinai and can confirm his message. I am arriving in Jerusalem on the 17th of March, and request for an appointment.

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Dear Michael, Thank you very much. All our videos are posted to my rumble channel:

https://rumble.com/user/LowellJosephGallin Shalom from Jerusalem, Lowell

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CHAZAK UBARUCH !!! May MASHEM Bless you most generously for your great service to Klal Yisrael. Please help me bring your message to most of the members of my community who do not have internet. Please tell me if it is possible and if so how can I download episodes of The Root and Branch Association ? Thank you very much . Michael - mr@futurereadytoday.co

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